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Live stream shows, virtual stage and ticketing for artists. shows
Music studio services
Australia · Austria · Belgium · Bulgaria · Canada · Cyprus · Czech Republic · Denmark · Estonia · Finland · France · Germany · Greece · Hong Kong · Hungary · Ireland · Italy · Japan · Latvia · Lithuania · Luxembourg · Malta · Netherlands · New Zealand · Norway · Poland · Portugal · Romania · Singapore · Slovakia · Slovenia · Spain · Sweden · Switzerland · United Kingdom · United States
Find the perfect studio
Browse our map, filter to find the best studio for you and your needs.
Order easily
Get all the information you need about the studio on its personalized page. Select the service you need, order and pay in a blink of an eye.
Online Mixing & Mastering 1. Upload your files

2. Studio gets the job done (revisions possible)

3. Pay easily and get your masterpiece
Chat All file types supported Chat with the studio All file types supported
Music legally protected Artists, you are protected Your creations are legally protected with Alyra.
We want you to feel at home, what you create is yours.
Studios 5
Members 13
Orders 0
Average rating
Stars Stars Stars Stars Stars
Stars Stars Stars Stars Stars
Payment methods Pay simply, fast and securely on Alyra.
Stay focused on your creativity.
You have a studio ? PUT IT ON THE MAP
It's free It's free ! We want you to be able to offer your studio and services without hassle. It is thanks to you that Alyra is here.
Grow your clientele Grow your clientele. Thanks to our worldwide presence, you can put yourself in front of thousands possible customers and increase your income.
Don't need a website You no longer need a website. You're here to make music and offer your services, not to add work on a website during your busy days.
Studio creation availability
List of countries Our partner Stripe is always working to add new countries.
Basic As a studio owner on Alyra, you can do a lot for free: Basic benefit Customizable studio page Highlight your studio with a complete personalization of its page
Basic benefit Propose your services From rehearsal and recording sessions to online mixing and mastering, customers can order directly on your Alyra studio page
Basic benefit Guarantee to get paid All payments are made online and on Alyra. The price of your services will not be reduced by a fee.
Basic benefit Chat Enjoy the Alyra chat to speak with registered customers
Basic benefit Reviews All the Alyra users will know about your top-level work thanks to our reviews system
Premium Premium
Become a premium member and get exclusive features: Premium benefit Multiple studios Put multiple studios on the map
Premium benefit Studios analytics Get insights about how much people visits your studio page
Premium benefit Orders calendar Get a special link and sync your Alyra orders to your personal calendar
Premium benefit Private studios Make your studio private. It will only appear on the app and will only be accessible to the people you have selected. It will not be indexed by search engines.
Premium benefit Special prices Propose discount by order quantity
Partners They share with us the love of music !
ISI Formation